National accounting matrix including environmental accounts; 包括环境帐户的国民核算矩阵;
Handbook on National Accounting: Accounting for Production& Sources and Methods 国民核算手册:生产核算&原始资料和方法
Relations among national accounting aggregates 各种国民核算总数之间的关系
It is hard to think of a more appropriate venue to discuss the topic of corporate governance than the National Accounting Institute. 在国家会计学院这样一个地点讨论公司治理问题,是再合适不过了。
National Accounting Practices in Seventy Countries 七十国国民核算实务
The National Accounting Institute, our co-host today for this event, is an excellent example of the type of institutions that are needed to support improvements in corporate governance practices. 今天这个盛会的东道主之一国家会计学院是一个极好的例子,它说明为了改进公司治理,我们需要什么类型的机构。
These institutions sometimes use different approaches to reporting their subprime exposures from those adopted by bulge-bracket banks and these differences are further magnified by the fact that they are operating under different national accounting regimes. 这些机构在公布次级抵押贷款对自己的影响时,有时会使用与大型银行不同的方式它们在不同的国家会计体制下运作这一事实,进一步拉大了这些差距。
Handbook on National Accounting: Public Sector Accounts 国民核算手册:公共部门核算
The system of national accounting between the market and the governmen; 市场与政府之间的国民经济核算体系(SNA)
Expert Group Meeting on the Reconciliation of SNA/ MPS Standards on National Accounting 工业协调国民核算体系/国民经济平衡体系的国民核算标准的专家组会议
Labor input method is a new national accounting approach, which estimates output ( value added) based on data of labor input and output ratio ( value added ratio) per captia. 劳动投入法是一种新的国民经济核算方法,它利用劳动投入数据和每单位劳动投入的产出率(增加值率)来估算产出(增加值)。
A Study of the Perpetual Inventory Method in Estimating Social Capital Stock: A Perspective of National Accounting 社会资本存量估算中永续盘存法的应用研究&基于社会资本估算的国民核算视角
This paper discusses how to cover the non-observed economy so as to achieve exhaustiveness in national accounting. 本文从国民核算的角度出发,介绍了未观测经济的相关概念和内容,集中阐述了如何将未观测经济纳入核算范围之内,以实现GDP的全面核算。
The Definition of Production Labour and the National Accounting 论生产劳动的界定与国民经济核算
Shanghai National Accounting Institute established a laboratory to study it exclusively; 上海国家会计学院专门建立了一个实验室来研究风险导向审计问题;
Industry accounting research consummate national accounting norm. 行业会计研究促进国家统一会计规范的完善。
Thirdly, we discuss the connection of the environmental accounts with SNA, including the adjustment of national accounts and the national accounting indexes. 最后,探讨了环境一资源经济核算帐户的衔接问题,包括对国民核算帐户的调整和对总量指标的调整两方面的内容。
Explore on the Asset Measurement in National Accounting System 对我国现行会计制度中资产计量问题的探讨
It is expected to provide guidance to national accounting of China. 并期望对我国国民经济核算起到一定的借鉴作用。
Great changes have taken place in traditional internal accounting supervision system; the social accounting supervision system has been established; the national accounting supervision system has been strengthened; 传统的内部会计监督制度发生了重大变化,社会会计监督机制得以确立,国家实施会计监督的体制得到加强,并使微观层次上的会计监督与宏观层次上的会计监督实现了有机结合。
In the System of National Accounting, the environmental consciousness is ignored, the environmental factors are ignored in economic analysis and the mutual relation between environment and economic activity is also ignored. So, the economic analysis function is greatly weakened. 国民经济核算体系由于没有体现环境意识,在经济分析中忽视了环境因素,忽视了环境与经济活动之间的相互关系,大大削弱了国民核算帐户体系的经济分析功能。
National accounting is an important tool which describes a country's macro-economic status. 国民经济核算是描述一个国家宏观经济状况的重要工具,所提供数据信息在国家宏观经济管理、国际事务管理中发挥着重要作用。
Beijing National Accounting Institute Management Information System is a computer system of Beijing National Accounting Institute in the work in the management of hospital-wide operation, the teaching of academic, financial information, personnel and resources. 北京国家会计学院管理信息系统是北京国家会计学院在工作运行中参与管理全院的教学教务、财务信息、人事与资源等的计算机系统。
Through the continuous expansion of business function modules, the Beijing National Accounting Institute Management Information System has become an important business data processing platform support, not only to help businesses efficiently completed its work, but also for providing leadership and guidance in decision-making credentials. 经过业务功能模块的不断扩展,北京国家会计学院管理信息系统已经成为重要业务数据的支撑处理平台,不仅帮助业务部门高效的完成了工作,还为领导层提供了决策性和指导性的凭证。
Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting is at the basis of national accounting, and focuses on describing the relationship between environment and economy. It provides a systematic data for the concept of sustainable development, and sets up a scientific accounting system. 环境经济综合核算体系是在国民经济核算的基础上,着重对环境与经济的关系进行系统的描述,其为可持续发展理念提供了系统的数据,建立了科学的核算体系。
Hereby we discuss the related questions of corporate human capital into the system of national accounting, and constructed the framework of human capital appending accounting system. 并据此对人力资本纳入国民经济核算体系的相关问题进行初步的探讨,构建了人力资本核算附属账户体系的基本框架。
The thesis insists the tertiary industry fitting into the range of national accounting. It clarifies the vague ideas in production scope, illustrates directive function for national economic accounting of the theory of value in social labor. 论文坚持第三产业活动应该完全纳入国民经济核算范围的观点,对经济理论界在生产范围问题上的模糊认识做了澄清,同时阐述了社会劳动价值论对国民经济核算的指导意义。
This paper aims to cultural perspective, analyzes the Sino-US cultural differences on the impact of national accounting standards. 本文旨在以文化为视角,分析中美文化差异对各国会计准则的影响。
In practice, however, some activities may be missed from national accounting, namely "non-observed economy". 但在实践中常常会有某些活动未被核算,成为未观测经济。
As the growth of R D investment of each country and enterprise, the relationship between different accounting methods of R D expenditures and enterprise value should become a focus of scholars and each National Accounting Standards Board. 随着各国和企业对研发投入的增长,R&D支出不同会计处理方式与企业价值的关系如何应该成为学者和各国会计准则委员会关注的焦点。